Child abuse

Here we can provide an extense concept of Child Abuse and a more specific one.
In the first we must consider The Convention on the Rights of the child, of UNITED NATIONS, 20 November 1989.
Article 19 states:
The consideration of Child Abuse is, All Violence, Damage or physical or Mental Abuse ,Negligence , Mistreatment, even if a Child is Exploited while in custody of Parents, Tutor or any other person in charge.
Abandonment in article 172 of the Civil Rights, is the situation given to the Minor in Protection when they are deprived of Moral or Material assistance.
Institutional Abuse ,can also be considered derived from inadecuate policy.
Therefore it is about voluntary actions provided by law, attributable to a responsible subject ,contrary to law and punished, where a physical, sexual and moral damage contrary to personal rights, obstructs development of personality .
This was not punished in Spain till 1944.
On the other hand Child Abuse seldom reaches Court , only 10% of cases are seen, this is given by the conceal of offenders, child weakness, indifference.
We have knowledge that till September 2004 there have been 35 000cases of Abuse foment Parent to Child.
This is considered when any act or omission within the family induced by one or more members , can inflict physical or psychological damage on another, impairing the integrity and causing damage to Personality and/or family stability.
Domestic Violence is a consecuence of disturbance of attachment relationships, primarily by Mental Disturbance in one of the Parents.
Appears when one of the Parents has not overcome the breakdown and involves the Child in dispute, having them take a side as if an Adult, this leads to feelings of helplessness, hate, anger,guiltyness and can a company the Child all through his/her life if not treated adequately.
During Adolescence and in the aftermath, there can be addictions, lack of control, emotional disorder, verbal or physical violence, even mental illness.
This all drives the Child towards an unsatisfactory, toxic, troubled person, unable to relate and will continue to repeat pattern.